Hello! My name is Silvia Bigler. I've been enjoying creating websites and web-based projects since 2008. I finally turned my hobby into my job in 2010 / 2011, learning about everything at WISS in Zürich. Since then, I've worked on many projects, first with a custom-made CMS at Dotspot, afterwards with TYPO3 CMS at two different agencies and also some voluntary projects. I love to learn new things and mainly focus on security, speed and accessibility.

Besides web-development I mostly enjoy video-games, gardening, riding my motorbike and reading books.

Things I often use:

  • JS / ES6
  • PHP
  • CSS /Sass
  • Tailwind
  • Linux
  • DevOps
  • MySQL / MariaDB
  • Perl
  • TYPO3
  • Vue.js
  • Bootstrap
  • React
  • GIT
  • Gitlab CI
  • Scrum
Silvia Bigler


Noxiris is a former organizer of concerts and a few parties in the gothic scene. The website is built with TYPO3 based on a provided design. It only has a few lines of JS, because Noxiris wanted it this way.

  • TYPO3
  • Bootstrap
  • jQuery

Gothic Culture

Gothic-culture is a calendar for events in the gothic scene. They collect events from different organizers to add them into a publicly accessible calendar. The design was given by the client. Created with TYPO3 CMS.

  • TYPO3
  • Bootstrap
Gothic Culture

Sacred Tattoo

Sacred Tattoo is a small portfolio website for the Tattoo-Artist Martin Steiner. It is located in Sursee near Interlaken. The site is mainly composed of images and was made with TYPO3.

  • TYPO3
  • Bootstrap
Sacred Tattoo


This very site

  • Nuxt / Vue.js
  • Tailwind
  • Static rendering
  • ES6
  • Gitlab CI
  • CI / CD